Monday, January 27, 2020

Comparison of Subculture and Countercultures

Comparison of Subculture and Countercultures In any society there are not only cultures, but also a variety of subculture and countercultures that develop within society. Subcultures and countercultures are formed by generalizations, occupation, class, lifestyle, likes, dislikes, etc. [1] Basically subculture is a group of people that differentiate from the larger culture that they belong to. In earlier 1950s, there has been a distinction between an accepted majority style and a subculture as an active minority style. Dick Hebdige argued that a subculture is subversion to normality. Subcultures tend to be perceived as negative and have a nature of criticism. Subcultures bring together individuals who feel neglected and allow them to develop a sense of identity. [2] Counterculture is a sociological term used to describe the values and norms of behavior of a cultural group. Counterculture can also be described as a group whose behavior deviates from the societal norm. Although distinct countercultural undercurrents have existed in many societies, here the term refers to a more significant, visible phenomenon that reaches critical mass and persists for a period of time. It is important to distinguish between counterculture, and subculture. [3] Subculture A subculture is a group of individuals that do share some qualities that the majority of society share, but the group has its own values, beliefs, norms, behavior, etc. Subcultures tend to be created when society endures problems or enjoys common privileges. Most individuals within a subculture have common interests and beliefs.   Types of subculture   Following are the major types of subculture. Organizational Culture A type of subculture that allows members to have solidarity, community, and social relationships that influence individual behavior. It is the way an organization deals with the environment.   Counterculture It is a type of subculture that completely disregards societys norms and values and creates new ones.   They tend to develop when people will not conform to the mainstream.   They have their own beliefs, problems with cultural integration, and have their own material culture. [1] Racial or nationality subcultures These subcultures tend to vary in their values, ambition and beliefs which get reflected in their consumption priorities, spend save patterns, purchase behavior, use of credit, social traditions and customs etc.Nowadays multiracial societies like America comprised of citizens who come from different nationalities or belong to different races. Religious subcultures: Most societies of the world today consist of people subscribing to different religions, which may differ in their beliefs, values and customs. The religious subgroups may follow different custom, have important rites of passage (like birth, marriage and death) performed in different ways and have different festivals. [4] Counter culture vs. Sub culture Counterculture can be defined as a group whose behavior deviates from the societal norm. It is different to the mainstream culture in their politics, norms, social beliefs, and way of dress and social structures. (or) A counter culture is one that reacts against the prevailing culture in place. Example: Throughout the last century examples of counterculture might be the suffragettes, the green movement, polygamists and feminists, punk movement and the infamous hippie counterculture movement of the 1960s, are formed and exist to oppose the dominant culture. All of these counter cultures have specific beliefs and values that cause social change. Counter cultures are large movements that cause social change. Counter cultures are against mainstream culture.[5] Members of a counterculture come together around their desire to reject movements within the larger, dominant culture. While members have this opposition in common, they may not share religious or political affiliations, similar socioeconomic situations, or values. Countercultures can be both negative and positive. They can also become larger when more people are involved and assimilate into the mainstream just as subcultures in general have this potential.[6] Biker Gangs, drug users, career criminals, prisoners, and terrorists have in common that they all have negative perceptions from society and are countercultures. [7] Subculture A sub culture can have its own beliefs, norms and values, but they are generally able to exist within mainstream culture. Their beliefs or manner of being may be different enough to make them stand out, but they are not at odds with society. Subculture is a culture shared and actively participated in by a minority of people within a broader culture. Examples: sub cultures might be Goths, emos, surfies, homies etc. Jews and Tea Party members are both examples of subcultures in the U.S. While the Jewish subculture is based around shared religious values, the Tea Party movement was primarily founded around dissatisfaction with the political status. Sub cultures tend to also share common interests and experience. Sub cultures can exist within mainstream culture.[5] Sub cultures are united by common aesthetics, interests and experience. Subcultures are distinctive segments of the larger culture of a region or society that are marked by shared interests in music or cultural phenomena, membership in a specific ethnic or religious group, or shared socioeconomic status. While some subcultures exist in contradistinction to the societys dominant culture, others exist harmoniously within it. Subcultures incorporate large parts of the broader cultures of which they are part, but in specifics they may differ radically. Subcultures bring together like-minded individuals who feel neglected by societal standards and allow them to develop a sense of identity. Subcultures can be distinctive because of the age, ethnicity, class, location, and/or gender of the members. [6] The qualities that determine a subculture as distinct may be linguistic, aesthetic, religious, political, sexual, geographical or a combination of factors. They certainly play an important role in any individual life and help to explain how each person develops a frame of reference. [7] Everybody has their own perceptions on society, values, and life in general. Values, attitudes, gestures, and sanctions tend to stem from the dominant culture in ones life. Throughout the dominant culture that a person spends his or her time in learning and changing through different experiences many subcultures have developed. Subcultures allow people, who share similar interests to assimilate, socialize, gives them a sense of belonging and fellowship among peers.  [8] Similarities Countercultures and subcultures both identify themselves in juxtaposition to the dominant culture of a society. Members usually dress and behave in different ways than average citizens of a society and are usually identifiable by their different appearances. Differences Culture is made up of an amalgamation of subcultures. So, a single subculture is a small segment of the larger culture, which is usually defined by shared socioeconomic status or a common cultural interest. A counterculture, on the other hand, is defined by their opposition to the dominant culture. A member of a counterculture may oppose the prevailing cultures values. Or, it could just oppose certain segments of the culture, or certain subcultures. A subculture is differs slightly from the dominant culture in a society, while a counterculture opposes the culture or subculture itself.[6] Literature review Dick Hebdige argued that a subculture is subversion to normality. Subcultures tend to be perceived as negative and have a nature of criticism. [9] According to Hebdige, subcultures are actually an alternative and reconfiguration of the dominant cultures. As his all very brief references to black and West Indian cultures suggest that he considers these cultures to be transplanted dominant cultures within British society. This misrepresentation raises the question of whether ethnic groups or minorities fit into Hebdiges notion of what constitutes either a parent culture or subculture. [10] According to Wolfgang Ferracuti, subculture is a normative system of some group or groups smaller than the whole society .This implies that there are value judgments or a social value system which is apart from and a part of a central value system. But a subculture is only partly different from the larger culture, and cannot be totally different from the culture of which it is a part; otherwise it is what Wolfgang called contra culture. This implies that the subculture has some major values in common with the dominant parent culture. The transmission of sub cultural values involves a learning process that establishes a dynamic lasting linkage between the values and the individuals .But also important to Wolfgangs subculture of violence theory is the notion that people may be born into a subculture. They argue that the black subculture actually values violence and that it is an integral component of the subculture which experiences high rates of homicide. Just as the dominant society punishes those who deviate from its norms, deviance by the comparatively non-violent individual from the norms of the violent subculture is likewise punished, either by being ostracized, or treated with disdain or indifference. Also, the more a person is integrated into this subculture, the more intensely he embraces its prescriptions of behavior, its conduct norms, and integrates them into his personality. The subculture of violence theory might be even more relevant today than it was when it was first published, especially with regard to juvenile crime. It seems to be a common fear that adolescents today are more violent and lacking in empathy than those of only a generation or two ago. Parker (1989) criticisms of the black subculture of violence model are many: First, the use of global indicators describing an entire class of people, southerners or blacks, assumes that these communities are homogeneous in values and lifestyle, an assumption that is clearly false for any group as large as these groups. Second, particularly in the case of blacks, it entails an implicit pejorative indictment of urban minority residents and communities, which is unfair and racist in nature. Finally this approach ignores the role of institutionalized racism itself in producing a link between violence and racial composition. Wolfgangs subculture of violence theory has had its share of critics. Erlanger (1974), Parker (1989), Shihadeh and Steffensmeier (1994), are just a few of the investigators who have failed to find the theory useful in explaining sub cultural violence. Other authors have found that the sub-culture of violence theory is a useful model, particularly when it is used along with other theories Benedict and Baron. Kennedy and Baron call for such an integrative approach, and assert that often, different theories may complement one another. Finally, still other researchers continue to rely upon the model. 11] Scholars differ in the characteristics and specificity they attribute to counterculture. Counterculture might oppose mass culture,  or middle-class culture and values. Counterculture is sometimes conceptualized in terms of generational conflict and rejection of older or adult values. It typically involves criticism or rejection of currently powerful institutions, with accompanying hope for a better life or a new society. Countercultures tend to peak, and then go into decline, leaving a lasting impact on mainstream cultural values. Their life cycles include phases of rejection, growth, partial acceptance and absorption into the mainstream. According to Sheila Whiteley, recent developments in sociological theory complicate and problematize theories developed in the 1960s, with digital technology, for example, providing an impetus for new understandings of counterculture. Andy Bennett writes that despite the theoretical arguments that can be raised against the sociological value of counterculture as a meaningful term for categorizing social action, like  subculture, the term lives on as a concept in social and  cultural theory to become part of a received, mediated memory.[12] Conclusion The term counter-culture is not entirely an adequate way of describing all of the changes that took place for several reasons: some changes were a progression of events throughout the century, other changes were due to scientific discoveries which have always produced new ideas and ways of looking at the world, and many changes can be better described as movements or ideologies.[14] Subcultures allow people, who share similar interests to assimilate, socialize, gives them a sense of belonging and fellowship among peers.   Sub cultural studies often involve participant-observation, and may variously emphasize sociological, anthropological, or semiotic analysis in order to address the organization and production of relational, material, and symbolic structures and systems. [15] Suggestion Healthy sub-cultures share leaderships conceptualizations of how tasks should be accomplished; how employees can advance and take on greater responsibility; how employees interact with each other; the ways in which change is accepted and accomplished; and how new knowledge is acquired and perpetuated. Distinct, healthy sub-cultures are organizationally aligned in their understanding of how they must perform to produce successful and acceptable results and outcomes. Leaders actively seeking to influence their organizations culture must consider sub-cultures. The major point here is to make sure that you are integrating and linking your sub-cultures into the broader, intended cultural objectives. Accept and foster productive sub-cultures while consistently communicating how employees must perform in order for the organization to be successful.[13]

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Corporate strategy: steakhouse case Essay

Generally the efficiency of the production is neglected but as Outback embarks on a differentiation and niche strategy that doesn’t affect its competitiveness. All other building blocks of competitive advantages are addressed, its products are of excellent quality, its products as well as the management system and the organisational structure are innovative and its customer responsiveness is outstanding. Opportunities and Threats The strategic position of Outback is mainly determined through companies that are in the same strategic group: moderate price and high quality dinners. The opportunities and threats are mainly the same for that strategic group, the entry into another group might be desirable and would result in a diversification strategy. Industry Structure According to Porter’s Five Forces Model, the restaurant industry is highly competitive. The rivalry among established companies is very high as Outback operates on the one hand in the highly fragmented restaurant industry and on the other hand has to compete directly with a few big chains. The demand conditions depend to a high degree on the general economic situation, but the US market in general can only accommodate a limited number of restaurants. The exit barriers are very low. The risk of entry of potential competitors is high as the barriers of entry are very low. The bargaining power of buyers is moderate, all customers account for only a marginal part of the revenues but as the demand is very elastic they tend to switch to the competitors if they are not fully content. The bargaining power of suppliers is moderate to high, the company doesn’t depend on one single supplier, but on high quality. The threat through substitute products is quite high, steaks could be replaced through poultry or completely different meals. Macroenvironment The macroeconomic environment influences the restaurant industry to a high degree as a decline or growth of the economy influences directly the demand for restaurant food. Further, the US market will be saturated with around 550-600 Outback restaurants, this offers the opportunity of further growth in the next few years but simultaneously imposes the threat of saturation of the national market and induces the need for an international option. In the social environment, the greater health consciousness leads to a lower consumption of red meat. Normally this would be a threat, but as it can be assumed that people just switch to going out to eat red meat this could be an opportunity for even greater extension of the business. Furthermore Outback could include healthier options into its menu and diversify into other segments of the restaurant industry. A good opportunity is the expansion into the international market to overcome US-market saturation. A  problem could be the lack of international experience. Question 2 – Are Outback’s various strategy components sustainable in the domestic market ? Can they be imitated ? Are they transferable to the international markets ? Why ? Why not ? 1 – Strategy components sustainable in the domestic market The basic strategy of Outback, a famous US steakhouse chain, was a success, because the concept was simple: provide a high quality service for an affordable price. The average price is between 15 and 20 $, so, we can deduce that the target of the chain is middle and upper middle classes. However, most of restaurants share this idea, particularly for this highly competitive domestic market. Outback found enough distinctive competencies to reach its actual level. Outback has different key strategies, which explain the success of the company. The experience accumulated by the three creators permits to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and to increase the acknowledge on the steackhouse chain market. These abilities have given to the top managers the capacity to create relevant strategies. – Positioning of the company Outback is a steakhouse’s chain, which decided first to respond at the demand of middle and upper classes basic American consumers. So, they have to afford good report price-quality, which depends first of all of the quality of the meal and the services provided by the personal. Meals are simple but correspond completely to the wishes of the American consumers. The quality of Outback is insured because of the fact they are only open during the night and not twice pro day, which corresponds to the expected target by Outback and the needs of the last one. – Organisation structure In five years, the network of franchises growth by 400 %. This fact pushed the company to develop a strong logistic network and also privilege the relationship with a few suppliers, which became real partners of the company. This gave us the opportunity to gain a high quality product and trustworthiness can be established. For the suppliers, the advantages are valuables because they know that they will continue their products if they still provide the same level of quality expected. For Outback, it gives the opportunity to obtain low prices and security of the food. The high number of restaurants asked for a relevant logistic structure in order to provide the best product on time for all franchises. In order to gain economies of scale, Outback allowed a franchise system. This gives the opportunity to reduce costs and to be implemented in various areas without high investment departures. Following the growth of the company, Outback changed the organisational structure to be more efficient and have more control on the brand image. They are developing better relationship between the headquarter and the partners. These latter have now stock options. This salary plan gives them motivation and accuracy in their job, because it guarantees a real engagement from the employees. – Human resource’s strategy A real consideration of the human resource is done by Outback. The corporate estimate that better working conditions and working schedule give more motivation to the employees. They feel comfortable within the company and are readier to answer at the injection of the headquarter. – Location strategy After study of the location and demographics particularities of a county, it seems that all the restaurant are established in specific distribution area. They set up the restaurant near dynamic neighbourhood and easy to go, which remains middle class population. – Communication policy At the beginning, Outback privileged local target population. Then, they extend their communication network by sponsoring specific events, as sport or charity events. A lot of support as television, billboard and radio are used because it is the best way to touch an important number of potential consumers. 2- Can they be imitated ? On the domestic market, Outback has many steakhouse chain competitors. Each brand is trying to find a niche. But some strategies can be easily imitated such as the geographic implementation and the target. The thematic of the restaurant was existing before the creation of Outback and the system of franchise is not adopt only by the restaurant chains. But Outback is able to put some entries barriers. The experience of the top manager is very helpful and contribute to create a trustworthiness from the employees. The synergy between the suppliers and the franchises gives at Outback more confidence on the future and more competitive. 3 – Are they transferable to the international markets ? Why ? Why not ? The concept of steakhouse chain, as Outback, seems to be adaptable in foreign countries. The company has two choices. First of all, it can keep its concept of American steakhouse chain within foreigner culture. Or it can also adapt to the country culture and has the ability to modify its concept and integrate it completely in the country chosen. Outback has the opportunity to internationalise its strategy, but the company has to take care about the way to do it. -The food habits is a first problem because a lot of Muslim countries cannot consume beef. Outback has to do a geographic selection -According to the policy of a country, the American restaurant can or cannot be set up as in Irak or North Korea. The American corporate culture can be a barrier of establishment too. – Outback has to think about the suppliers network. Some solutions appear as food exportation or licensing. But these strategies have a mean disadvantage: the local population may expect to eat local product -Outback has to change the organisational structure in order to integrate an international division. The structure can add a foreign operations department to their existing structure and contribute to use the same control system. 3.- The countries, which Outback should enter, are in hierarchic descending order as follows: 1.- SOUTH KOREA Advantages:1)Good economic development.2)Politically stable.3)Easy to import American style to South Korean.4)Infrastructures improvements. Disadvantages: Obstacles for US firms (regulation for labeling, sanitary standards) Modifications needed: Need to be financially sound company, because South Korea is an emergent market with big opportunities of growing and so that big investments will be needed. The firm will have to adapt to the sanitary standards, they will have to cope with occasional problems related with quarantine of some products. 2.- UK Advantages: 1) Common language, business practices facilitates US entry 2) No restriction on foreign ownership and movement capital, labor flexibility. Free enterprise and open competition in UK. 3) UK find US goods and services very attractive.4) Abolition of internal trade barriers (UK as a gateway to the rest of EU).5) Very good communication network Disadvantages: As UK is a gateway to the rest of European countries is of vital importance the role-play in UK, depending whether is successful or not the European adventure will be better or worst. Modifications needed: Very low rate of modifications are needed to enter in the UK market, as we have said previously US and UK have common language and have very close culture. 3.- CANADA Advantages:1)Business practices similar to US and US goods are well received in Canada. 2) Very good economic development.3) Very good communication network and very close to North America, which will reduce communications and transportation costs. Disadvantages: The linguistic and cultural problems that are taking place in Canada make a tense situation. Modifications needed: As a result of the disadvantages related before it would be necessary to have employees with knowledge of French and/or English. 4.- MEXICO Advantages: 1) They have improved infrastructures 2) Despite the economics problems there are opportunities for North American firms but they will provide low cost products, because of the low buying power of Mexican people. 3) Duty free to exports.4) It is geographically very close to North America, so that transportation as communications are easier. Disadvantages: 1) Political reforms, which make of Mexico not a very stable country.2) No good economic development. Modifications needed:1)As we have written is necessary to change the prices in order to adapt to the low buying power of the Mexican people.2)Related with the previous point it would be interesting to create a pool in order to  avoid the possible devaluations in the national currency. Germany and Japan are more difficult markets to enter into by the company. See appendix for advantages, disadvantages and changes needed. 4.- As result of the previous SWOT analysis we can observe that Outback has the opportunity, the intention and the necessity to expand the company into the international market. OPPORTUNITIES Incomes have risen globally, so that there is more money to expend on, when primary needs are fed another kind of needs appear. Outback has to take advantage of this and enter into new markets. Related with that the increasing number of women entering the work force which means that if traditionally women have to cook, nowadays they don’t have too much time for it, and so that restaurants with good quality food and family oriented are highly valued by working women. In other side demographic concentrations of people in urban areas, which make necessary to have different offers of restaurants. A good opportunity is the willingness of younger generation to try new products, we have as an example the Japanese young people. Although in Japan still remain some conservative customers, new generations are willing to try new kind of products coming for another countries. Also is very important to point out the improved international transportation, this is very important because can reduce the costs of export restaurant’s assets into another international country, as we have already said. Although there are very similar firms operating at the moment in the market, US food themes are very popular abroad. In order to reduce market saturation Outback has used joint ventures with an Italian chain (Canabba’s Italian Grills) INTENTION We see the will to expand when for example, in 1994 the firm didn’t pay dividends despite the good profit, the reason was to invest the money to be able to expand to international markets. NECESSITY The saturation of the US fast-food chains make that Outback looks for new countries where it can operate and grow there are very similar firms operating at the moment but US food themes are very popular abroad. Although in order to reduce this market saturation Outback has used joint ventures with an Italian chain (Canabba’s Italian Grills)

Friday, January 10, 2020

Examples of Chinese Architecture

I was grouped with another four members. We are assigned to turn up the undermentioned country of involvement on the given base map and see them. Our docket is to detect and document the cardinal architectural characteristics such as Gatess, courtyards, doors, Windowss, walls, roofs, stuffs, structural systems, etc. Furthermore, we were supposed to detect and do records of objects, people, store houses and activities on streets that entreaties to us and add character to our overall journey. Our first finish was Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, we discovered the tremendous roofs and the cardinal characteristics of the Chinese architecture. The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & A ; Museum is a Tang-Styled Chinese Buddhist Temple in the bosom of Chinatown. The temple characteristics many aspects of Buddhist humanistic disciplines and civilization of Singapore. It besides houses what the Buddhists respect as the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic in a tope weighing 3.5 metric tons and composed of 320 kilogram of gold donated by fans. It besides houses other sacred relics of the Buddha, such as bone and lingua relics. The temple prides itself on the research made to guarantee truth and genuineness of the design and architecture found here. The exterior of this active Buddha Temple combined with museum appears of a Chinese pagoda that sits in the bosom of Singapore Chinatown. This temple incorporates elements of the Chinese Tang Dynasty of facade constructions as the roof of Chinese ruddy is spilled in a modern construction. In the shadow of the scene Sun, Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum depicts really Chinese presence of Buddhist Mandala. Eminent Sangha Museum characteristic life narratives of monastics in Singapore showcasing Buddhist humanistic disciplines and civilization. It immerses one deep into the Buddhism life and civilization for a better apprehension. Visitors are to stay in dressing modestly and avoid obscene visual aspect. Repose is of import with regard to the temple and its mission where visitants who are non Buddhist, nor spiritual in any form or signifier, are able to achieve interior consolation for a minute ‘s peace from today ‘s barbarous ever-changing universe. Inscriptions are written in English and traditional Chinese. I like this temple for its beautiful alfresco garden atrium. It was deserving a visit with an unfastened head. Our 2nd finish was Ann Siang Hill, we explored the Ann Siang Road and Club Street. We noticed the interesting architecture of the store houses which combine Asiatic and European influences. We went to Ann Siang Hill was to research the milieus and to take some good shootings of the interesting topographic points in Singapore. Apart from its quaint and delightfully quiet shops, Ann Siang besides boosts of intricate architecture and colourss. Not merely does Ann Siang Hill boast lovely and quaint books/clothing shops, it besides has old-timer store houses which house the coffeehouse and assorted retail shops. A lovely combination of the old and new bing together. Our 3rd finish was Thian Hock Keng Temple, we were to detect and research one of the Singapore’s OLDEST Chinese temples. The traditional beam and bracket systems used for back uping the brilliant roofs and gaining control the repose of the courtyard. The significance forms play in temple architecture, and the Thian Hock Keng is a all right illustration. It has Windowss that are round to typify Eden, square to typify the Earth, and tiles which were meticulously laid out either in square forms to typify the oral cavity, connoting that one would ne'er travel hungry here, or in an upside down â€Å"V† form, typifying â€Å"ren† , the Chinese word for â€Å"men† , to propose that one can see this topographic point as a sanctuary. Characterized by orange-coloured glassless clay roof tiles, bricks and terracotta floor tiles. Finial ends of the curving roof ridge expanse outwards like ’swallow tails’ with ‘twining weed’ ornaments merely used above the overturned eaves. The generous usage of granite typifies the Hokkien manner as Quanzhou is a celebrated centre for granite sculptures and carvings. Elaborate symbolisms through pictures and carvings on assorted parts of the timber-bracketed structural system is easy distinguished from the Northern Chinese manner which is largely painted. The presence of chihu gong oblate prances suggests the likely usage of Zhangzhou craftsmen in the building of the temple. Yet, the enforcing group of winged-fairies dou gong above the chief entryway indicates the possible engagement of Quanzhou craftsmen in the carving of secondary lumber members. Our 4th finish was Nagore Durga Shrine, a good illustration that reflects the blend of the E and the West influences of Islamic Architecture. Although this is a Moslem topographic point of worship, it is non a mosque, but a shrine, built to mark a visit to the island by a Muslim sanctum adult male of the Chulia people ( Muslim merchandisers and usurers from India ‘s Coromandel Coast ) who was going about Southeast Asia distributing the word of Indian Islam. The most interesting ocular characteristic is its frontage: Two arched Windowss flank an arched room access, with columns in between. Above these is a â€Å" illumination castle † — a monolithic reproduction of the frontage of a castle, with bantam cutout Windowss and a little arched room access in the center. The cutouts in white plaster make it look like lacing. From the corners of the frontage, two 14-level minarets rise, with three small domed cutouts on each degree and onion domes on top. Inside, the suppl ication halls and two shrines are painted and decorated in flooring tacky colourss. Our 5th finish was the Fuk Tak Chi Temple Museum, upon come ining, two enforcing Chinese divinities greet us at the doors. They symbolize ‘the Door God’ which, harmonizing to Chinese folklore, wards off evil liquors. Sing as the Door Gods were our lone comrades on our visit, they appear to hold warded off the museum-goers as good. Mostly dwelling of one chief alfresco courtyard, a little hallway and communion table beyond that, one can walk around the interior reasonably rapidly. There is a panorama in the center of the hallway that depicts what the topographic point might hold looked like back in the twenty-four hours. And so once more, non all museums or temples come to this charming room access in its dorsum wall. Step through the sliding glass door it feels like you have stepped outside except it’s air-conditioned. Once the back back street of Fuk Tak Chi, it has now been converted into the anteroom of a hotel with a instead alfresco construct, high ceilings w ith glass window glasss that fill the hall with natural visible radiation. Our 6th finish was the Al-Abrar Mosque, we explored the simple Indian manner architecture and the cardinal characteristics of the Chinese Architecture. This mosque, besides called Masjid Chulia, after the Chulias, the group of Indian usurer immigrants who funded its building, was originally erected as a thatched edifice in 1827, therefore its Tamil name Kuchu Palli, which means â€Å" hut mosque. † The edifice that stands today was built in the 1850s, and even though it faces Mecca, the complex conforms to the grid of the vicinity ‘s metropolis streets. It was designated a national memorial in 1974, and in the late eightiess, the mosque underwent major redevelopments that enlarged the mihrab and stripped off some of the cosmetic qualities of the columns in the edifice. The one-story supplication hall was extended upward into a two-story gallery. Small touches like the lumber window panels and fanlight Windowss have been carried over into the new redevelopments. Our concluding finish was the URA Center, we explored the topographic point and the cardinal characteristics of the Singapore map that they have. There were little edifices and the construction of the Singapore. It was a great experience researching the topographic points that we discovered from the map. To reason, it was merriment and gratifying detecting the topographic points from Chinatown. The country of involvement given from the map and the cardinal architectural characteristics which adds on to our journey. The experience was a fruitful one on detecting the topographic points of Chinatown.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Spudspycase - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 481 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/09/24 Category Advertising Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? 09/08/10 SPUDSPY CASE SpudSpy Case Questions 1. Why are Henderson and Huang so upset? Should they be? Anderson and Huang were upset because Thad Simcoe and Avi Rothman intentionally wanted to claim the technology as the inventors. In their meeting with Catherine Huang they did not tell her that they were working on a business plan to bring the remote soil pH sensing approach to commercialization. In their discussion with Catherine’s colleagues they posed as the invertors. They even went as far as talking to their attorney friend about carving out a specific application of SpudSpy from the original patent belonging to Catherine and Anderson. This goes to tell that either, Thad and his partner didn’t know how unethical their intentions were or they were blinded by over ambition. Yes Anderson and Catherine should be upset because this is a technology that they put in time and effort to invent, and someone else is trying to come in and sideline them. 2. Can this project be salvaged? I believe major damage has not been done, the students almost crossed the line but fortunately for them they were brought to caution. The project can be salvaged if Anderson and Catherine agree to work with the students and see how to commercialize the technology. The students, fortunately, have passion for the idea, so they have the charisma and spirit to make it happen. Because let’s face the facts Catherine has not been able to move forward with this idea, she needs a team. I believe she would make a great team with Thad and Avi. 3. What is your assessment of Cohen’s role so far? What would you recommend to Cohen for his next steps? What are his options? Cohen is doing a great job with his entrepreneurial class. His method of teaching the class is motivating. The students strive to produce a business plan that would actually convince a venture capitalist to part with his money. It not only exposes the students but also opens doors of oppor tunities for them. In regards to the situation, Cohen should arrange a meet between Anderson, Catherine, Thad and Avi. Try and settle the case amicably, convince Catherine and Anderson to work with the Students, pointing out the fact that the project has generated broad interest and possibility of new funding for the engineering school if it turns out to be a success. . What can we do to avoid these problems in our class projects? To avoid this sort of thing happening again, first all business school students should read about this case and the follow up. During these kinds of projects students should check with their instructor before and after any correspondence they have with the inventors, parties of interest and other stakeholders. This way the instructor would know if and when they doing anything that is unethical or against regulations and pull them back. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Spudspycase" essay for you Create order